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Kari Novelli Photos & Videos

SGE Content for Kari Novelli in SHOW #33

Photos: 1 Galleries and growing
Photos: 6 Photos and growing
Photos: 4.2 MB of Photos
Videos: 1 Videos
Videos: 4 mins of footage
Videos: 42 MB of video
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Kari Novelli

PHOTOS BY: Jam-X, @photobyjamx
GRAPHIC DESIGN: @cmkdesigns
HAIR STYLIST: Al Ingram, @AlSexyHair
MAKEUP ARTIST: Angela January, @Angela_January
Visit: for exclusive images and video from this issue.

Well Im back again for my 3rd time shooting with Show magazine and I am honored to be apart of this family. For those who dont know me, my name is Kari Novelli or I am also known as KoKo. I was born and raised in Washington, D.C and a recent college graduation, so I got beauty and brains.

Anyways, I recently just got out of retirement and as soon as I got the itch to model again, Show Magazine open arms to me as soon as I touch back into LA and welcome me back into the family. Being apart of this magazine is always a pleasure not because of the reputation it has but being apart of the amazing beautiful girls throughout the years.

Now I am not sure what my next step will be for me within the modeling career, but I will say I still got plenty of fire in me and still more surprises to come. Focusing on myself and my life and going to travel the world as much as possible until I cant no more. Dont worry guys Im not going anywhere anytime soon!

Take care! 
Kari Novelli

INSTAGRAM: @karinovelli
SNAPCHAT: @KariNovelli
TWITTER: @Karinovelli1

3 Total Galleries with 19 total photos of Kari Novelli from SHOW #33 and other Issues

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