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Dee Manni Photos & Videos

SGE Content for Dee Manni in BLACK LINGERIE #21

Photos: 1 Galleries and growing
Photos: 6 Photos and growing
Photos: 4.2 MB of Photos
Videos: 1 Videos
Videos: 4 mins of footage
Videos: 42 MB of video
View BLACK LINGERIE #21 issue information and galleries >>


PHOTOS BY: Sean Cummings, @SHOW_Magazine
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Chris Kelly, @goonrillabullyboy
MAKEUP ARTIST: Seqoiya, @pureglamour
HAIR STYLIST: Kiafa Renee, @WeaveBarnNYC
Visit: for exclusive images and video from this issue.

Where did you inherit the name Dee Manni from?
My Sergeant use to always call me Manni, he could never pronounce my last name so I added the Dee “My childhood nickname.” Everyone seems to love it.

What city and state are you currently representing?
Richmond VA all day

Whats your ethnicity? And how old are you?
Black and Egyptian. My mother is Black and my father is Egyptian. Im older than 20 and younger than 30 LOL

What do you do for a living besides model?
I am currently a fulltime student majoring in Healthcare Management working to be a CEO of a hospital. I like being in charge. I also GOGO dance and waitress

What are your measurements? And Height?
Im an old school Coke bottle 32 up top - A slim 25 inch waist- and a 42 inch fatty and Im 51

Who are some of your favorite women in the industry?
Amber Rose, Rosa Acosta, Dollicia Bryan and of course Vas finest Amazin Amie, they all are very beautiful women with gorgeous bodies

Have you featured in any new publications recently?
Yes, I have been featured in Straight Stuntin Mag Issue #24, as Model of the Month and Model of the Day with the most views. Ive been featured twice on Also, I have been featured in Kandi Girlz Magazine.

Do you have a significant other/dating/single? Are you a sexual individual?
SINGLE! Every body in situationships now days, good sex relationships. Yea I like surfing on that surfboard……… grinding on that wood gri-grindin on that wood

Final Statement
You havent seen the last of me so stay tuned!!!!!! Check me out my IG also; you might like what you see. Dee Manni. Muah Much Love SHOW MAGAZINE Thanks for having me.

2 Total Galleries with 11 total photos of Dee Manni from BLACK LINGERIE #21 and other Issues

Black Lingerie 21
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HD Video: 01:37

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