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Nicole Toledo Photos & Videos

SGE Content for Nicole Toledo in BLACK LINGERIE #28

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Nicole Toledo

PHOTOS BY: Sean Cummings, @SHOWMagazine__
GRAPHIC DESIGN: @cmkdesigns
HAIR STYLIST: Kiafa Renee, @WeaveBarnNYC
MAKEUP ARTIST: Seqoiya, @pureglam0ur
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Film Work: Hollywood Motion Pictures
American Hustle - White Dog Productions Boston, Ma - 2013
Joy - Fox Productions Boston, Ma - 2015

Nicole Toledo is a successful model turned background actress, talent, & promo brand model from Brockton, MA. Born in Boston, she has been accomplished professionally in the talent industry over 10 yrs.

I started out dancing in my hometown of Brockton as a performer pretty much my whole life. Being a SHOWtimer, it wasnt till my older brother passed away in my early teens that I began to take the talent world so seriously. He was the first one I could remember going away, at just 14 and then from then many friends and more family members. I knew this was what I wanted. Ill never forget the feeling. I just wanted to make it out. Make a better life for myself. A way. It was how I would loose myself, like an escape. My passion became alive. I fell in love with entertainment, music, & culture. From there, I went too performing in festivals every year until the age of 20. I was on fire. I was hot enough to even become arm candy in a Boston concert with 2pistols, when he was Hot. Ill never forget it. It was to his hit track "She Got It." I had it all right. He saw me, and pretty much from there, he went go-go gaga. Ha ha. Grabbing my hand and getting on one knee, he introduced that southern hospitality too me. I was psyched. That track was all over the radio & television media! From there I pretty much was conceived, and had a pretty good idea of what I wanted out the industry. I knew where I was going, and had a keen understanding for it. I worked very hard, saved up some money, and later moved out to Miami.

I can give it to the Law of attraction. In the blink of an eye, I got picked up and started modeling and making some good money. 24/7 No sleep nights just to make my dream come to the light proved ultimately grand victorious. But, it wasnt till after loosing a new friend, a roommate, where I ran into some difficulties. So I decided to move back up around my way where I was from, after having some minor setbacks. I took it easy and gave myself some time.

Dont ever think there is not a purpose for your struggle. Oh, there is! The setback proved to work magic! After moving back to the New England area and continuing to pursue modeling, it wasnt long until my dreams came true. Landing my first role in the Movie "American Hustle," I made my first appearance as a 1970s Cosmopolitan model, in a ex scene sharing the big screen with Oscar winner actress Amy Adams, and just recently my second role in the Hollywood motion picture "Joy" as a wedding guest of A-listers Robert Deniro, Jennifer Lawrence, and Bradley Cooper. Both movies are classics to date. "Joy" will premiere this holiday Christmas season.

Is there more to come? What do you want your fans to know?
There is definelty more to come!! Look at SHOW magazine interviewing me. Ive gained a new respect for cameras & film. The industry period. I feel like it has been mines all along. A blessing. You have to find it. To those that are going for their dreams that is, Never give up! Never expect s*** from NoOne!! Whats meant for you will be for you. I can almost guarantee It. It wont pass you. "You have to invest in yourself." I dont just go for # 1, Ive always known myself as #1! You have to see yourself as your brand. A walking buisness card. Dont sit around an wait for someone to put you on or for things to come to you. You have to get out there and Get it! Your strength. To keep it short.. WORK YOUR F****** A** OFF!! Simple as that. You want something out of Life an you want something done, DO IT YOUR SELF!! Dont wait. Starting from the bottom will only be a thing of the past. An those that do the work come out on top. I still am always back where I first had my dream, In my hood where it all started. I think its a blessing. I can be in the hood hanging out with ol friends an then in the blink of an eye be sitting in with directors and creating on set. Any set. Now that Ive had my shot, Never know. Youll see me in your favorite artists music video, or your favorite t.v. show.

And your Measurements are?
32D-24-35. Im 52 & a 117lbs. I call that doll size.

Dammm, What are your Turn-Ons?
I find a man that speaks more than one language to be a complete Turn-on. It can be any language, just different. As long as it sounds sexy & can stimulate me. An, Oh. A lil grown & sexy language lesson never hurt nobody. Start speaking japanese & decoding symbols & you might be able to put a ring on it. haha! Just joking!!
Im having to much fun.

Uneducated men and men doing numbers. (What are we going to do out here, if youre in there?) We need our Kings! I also am completely turned off by man who lacks spiritual value. I am very god fearing.

Celebrity Crush?
Boris Kodjoe.
I bet he has a thing for Nicoles.;)

You look Exotic. Whats a Nicole Fun Fact about you?
I have a 3rd heritage/2nd language that I speak called “Criolo” which is a very rare exotic African portuguese language that I picked up growing up off of my ” family” which I call my hometown of “Brockton”. It stems from the native Cape Verde islands, which is a small group of islands if you look on a map off the dire west coast of Africa. Youll see it is something like a small island paradise. Like many islands. Although I am born from a West-indian mother an raised by a Puerto rican father, Cape verdeans also have took the time to raise my house of cultures. Granting me a diverse mix. “I think it makes me feel like a certain type of breed to be honest. Like, inherited. Rare. It makes me feel like I have hidden family jewels when Im in a different area. Like season to adobo. Sprinkled with culture.
*Amber Rose is also Cape Verdean mixed. Its the best light i can give it.

Is that where you got your Instagram name? Can you explain?
I feel like a diamond from the rough. The smallest & roughest patchs of a city made me. My social media name Bela Rainha means beautiful Queen in the portuguese language. Its the best light i can give it.

If you could give men one piece of advice what would it be….:

If I could give one piece of advice… Men, The best thing you can do to get my attention is having your sh** together in the first place! Its not all about looks. Aim towards your goals & dreams. Read books. Most brothers think its all about having nice features an being handsome with good hair. but that wont raise our kids. Become a entrepeneur. So In a relationship, we got each others back. If I fall you catch me, an if you fall, I catch you. Us, both big brands. It could be anything. Ive always went hard, an go for someone who those too. It motivates me to go even harder! A lil challenge will make us both want to submit. I want that pool in house with that lil rari.

What makes you a " SHOWgirl" ?
Like the calm before the storm. I might appear to be soft and quiet at first. But because I am sexy an confident in my own skin, I come, wrapped up waiting to explode without warning! I am a bombshell. I SHOW up & Shine!

INSTAGRAM: @belaRainha15

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