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Tanya Renee Photos & Videos

SGE Content for Tanya Renee in SHOW #29

Photos: 1 Galleries and growing
Photos: 10 Photos and growing
Photos: 7 MB of Photos
Videos: 1 Videos
Videos: 4 mins of footage
Videos: 42 MB of video
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Tanya Renee

PHOTOS BY: Sean Cummings, @SHOWMagazine_
GRAPHIC DESIGN: @cmkdesigns
SHOT ON LOCATION AT: The W Hotel in Dallas, TX
HAIR STYLIST: Benni Hanna @Skolar_Vangawd
MAKEUP ARTIST: Rhonda C @Rhondac_mua
Visit: for exclusive images and video from this issue.

Name: TanyaRenee
Location: Dallas, TX

You are back for Round 2! Congratulations!! Now, what was it like shooting with SHOW magazine for the 2nd time?
I brought shoes and accessories! Sean was happy! Lol!! It was a breeze and I had the chance to wear colorful outfits instead of just sexy black lingerie. Overall, it was a very exciting experience.

Would you recommend that other ladies shoot with SHOW & why?
Yes! Do it! This magazine is open to all ladies of all races, cultures, and creeds. The graphics and the photos are incredible and I am always amazed at how each lady looks like a living doll in the final product.

Since I have some really wonderful fans, I figured I would reach out to them and ask them what they would like to know about me. So here are my flirty and fun answers...xoxo

Fan question from Danny Frost.... Have your big boobs ever helped you out in a tight situation?
Maybe not out of getting speeding tickets from cops but they definitely help when getting them dismissed by a judge. Haha!

Fan question from Sonic5303....My favorite place to visit? My least favorite place to visit?
My favorite place would be Las Vegas. I have so many wonderful memories from sin city and Im hoping to make a few more in 2015. My least favorite? Ummm, idk. Honestly, I haven been anywhere that I didn enjoy myself.

Favorite body part? Least favorite body part?
My favorite body part would be my breasts. BEWBIES!! They are extremely powerful and feminine and I absolutely love them. My least favorite would be my legs. I have often wished that I was taller.

Which weighs more a pound of silicone or a pound of saline?
Nice try, they both weigh a pound.
Do you prefer fishnets or nylons?
Oh definitely nylons; both pantyhose and stockings. They
e much smoother and sexier. Fishnets are great for costumes but I only wear nylons in photo shoots and in bed.

Fan question from Sonic5303...Who Is my favorite athlete of all time?
Without question, Michael Jordan. He is pure class, competitive, driven, wealthy, good looking, and had the most tremendous career. His influence will always be felt and his shoes will always sell.

When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you do?
Masturbate. LMAO! Just kidding! I actually try to hide under the covers and go back to sleep.

Fan question from Sonic5303...Are you an early bird or a night owl?
I hate the mornings! I am a night owl in every way. For some reason, I come alive at sundown. My energy picks up and the world feels more alive. Like the old song goes "The Freaks come out at Night."

Which do you like better...Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram?
Instagram! Its an addiction. Love the pictures and the unique pages on there. Plus, I am an avid online shopper so its the perfect place to find new boutiques to shop at. My favorites include The Mermaid Life, Posh Shop LA, House of CB, & Abyss by Abby.

Do you prefer phone sex or text sex?
Phone sex. Text sex is just boring to me. "Ooo I want to blah, blah, blah." Send. Really?? Phhfftttt... Plus you never know who you
e actually texting or if they
e showing their friends. I know, because Ive done it and we have all sat around laughing at the other person. #meangirls

Will we see you again in 2015?
Better believe it! As long as SHOW comes to Dallas, I will shoot with them. Look for it coming soon!

INSTAGRAM: @exotictanya
TWITTER: @exotictanya
FACEBOOK: ModelTanyaRenee

3 Total Galleries with 30 total photos of Tanya Renee from SHOW #29 and other Issues

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Black Lingerie 24
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