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Katie Barbie Photos & Videos

SGE Content for Katie Barbie in BLACK LINGERIE #23

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Katie Barbie

PHOTOS BY: Sean Cummings, @SHOWMagazine_
GRAPHIC DESIGN: @cmkdesigns
HAIR STYLIST: Ciera Singleton, @ceedyybee
MAKEUP ARTIST: Aria Thomas, @Arianna
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My name is Katie Barbie and I am 23. I am from Atlanta, Georgia. I am a Video Vixen, Fitness Competitor, and tattoo model. Everywhere I go Im spotted and everything I want I got it. Im 56 with hazel eyes, smile like the sunrise.
Describe your ideal man.
My ideal man is hard working and independent. He is someone that has similar interests to me, but also can hold his own in a conversation and someone I can learn from, both from his actions and his words. Most importantly, I like someone that can make me laugh. He needs to be quick thinking, witty, and can make the best of any situation.

Do you have any pet peeves?
People that misrepresent themselves, including people that are trying to be something they are not. People that dont take control of their own lives. Some people love to play the victim, but you are in control of your own life. If you are not going to fight for what you want then no one is going to fight for you. You are in control of your own destiny.

What is the inspiration for your tattoos?
All my tattoos are really girly. Its basically a collage of things I love. I have too many to list but to name a few…I have a portrait of my dog because I am an animal lover. A pink jet because I am a world traveler. I have a barbell because I am a fitness competitor. I have an airmax 90 sneaker and a high heel because I have a shoe fetish! “Good Vibes” because I am very positive. I have “Hugs & Kisses” on my wrist because I am very passionate. I have combined them together in a sleeve as a form of self-expression.

How would your friends describe your personality?
My friends say their first impression of me is strong headed, which I can be, but I can also be very caring, family oriented, and fun loving. I am adventurous and willing to try anything once. I am very balanced because I am a hard worker, but I am also the life of a party! I am a trend-setter and a go getter. What ever I set my mind to, I get. I am very independent!

What is your workout regimen?
Fitness and nutrition are very important to me. I workout 6 days a week, two hours a day! Everyday I target a different muscle group and try to change up my workouts everyday so I do not plateau. It takes discipline and a hard work ethic to get results, but it is all worth it. I love how the gym makes me look and feel. I love competing in fitness competitions. I am very competitive and love going on stage in a sexy bikini and heels showing off my body.

INSTAGRAM: @Katie_Barbie

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